After helming the thrilling double dose of Elite Squad and its sequel, Hollywood finally caught on to the talents of Brazilian filmmaker Jose Padilha, letti...
The Archive is a collection of cinephile-friendly findings around the web, including rare or never-before-seen photos, interviews, footage or any other bits...
A couple years have passed since Bill Condon first took interest in making a Richard Pryor biopic with star Marlon Wayans. The project was then pushed aside...
The Archive is a collection of cinephile-friendly findings around the web, including rare or never-before-seen photos, interviews, footage or any other bits r...
Few, if any, actors have had a better last few years than Matthew McConaughey. Continually tied to the latest romantic comedy, the actor began to pick up mo...
One of the greatest films of the silent era is coming back to theaters across the country. Fred C. Newmeyer and Sam Taylor's 1923 hit Safety Last! has been ...
The Archive is a collection of cinephile-friendly findings around the web, including rare or never-before-seen photos, interviews, footage or any other bits r...
The Archive is a collection of cinephile-friendly findings around the web, including rare or never-before-seen photos, interviews, footage or any other bits r...
While one can endlessly listen to the great albums of their favorite bands, there is something special when a documentary can effectively expand on a certain mu...
The Archive is a collection of cinephile-friendly findings around the web, including rare or never-before-seen photos, interviews, footage or any other bits r...