In the fall of 1962, François Truffaut embarked on the lofty task of attempting to chronicle Alfred Hitchcock's life and career. Instead of pulling from var...
Dailies is a round-up of essential film writing, news bits, and other highlights from our colleagues across the Internet -- and, occasionally, our own write...
After years of attempting to get a Ghostbusters 3 off the ground, it looks like Sony has finally found a way to do so, but not in the form one might expect....
With a seemingly endless amount of streaming options -- not only the titles at our disposal, but services themselves -- we believe it's our duty to highligh...
Shaping up to be one of the few high points of the summer tentpole seasons, Matt Reeves' Dawn of the Planet of the Apes arrives this weekend amidst critical...
Dailies is a round-up of essential film writing, news bits, and other highlights from our colleagues across the Internet -- and, occasionally, our own write...