When I began my stint on The Film Stage back in October, one of the first stories I posted involved the hunt for a new J. Jonah Jameson in the new Spider Man. Being that I was responsible for that story, I think it’s only fitting I get to punch this as hard as I can in the face; Collider (by way of IGN) reported that sources close to the project have said that the titular editor in chief of The Daily Bugle will have no part in the reboot that is currently filming as we speak (or on a dinner break as we speak, one of the two). Aw. Obviously since there will be sequels, there’s a good chance he’ll show up in one or two or three of them since part of the Parker lore is that he uses the paper’s thirst for Spider Man pictures by taking them himself. Initially I was pretty upset by this since the character was one of the best parts of the original film (seriously, J.K. Simmons is the man), but then I realized that was just me expecting this movie to follow the exact same track that Sam Raimi‘s did. Obviously the two are going to be very different, so that’s just my mistake. I’m only human. Partly anyway.

Spider Man (in “glorious” 3D) hits theaters July 3, 2012, in case you forgot after reading the other 90,000,000 articles on the production.

Are you sad there will be no J. Jonah goodness in the upcoming Spider Man, or are you glad they are concentrating on other things instead? Plus, who could make a better J. Jonah than J.K. Simmons? Exactly. CASE CLOSED.

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