In A Hero, the discovery of a bag of gold coins sets the scene for a knotted Bressonian morality tale. The director is Asghar Farhadi, a filmmaker who has spen...
Stories from multiple perspectives have been onscreen at least since Rashomon, but even the great Akira Kurosawa might have found something to like in the new ...
"Memoria" translates simply to "memory" in Spanish. The four syllables were also truly promising some resumption of a post-pandemic high-end cinema for us obse...
In a Cannes surprise, it was revealed that Gaspar Noé had a new film set to premiere at the festival. The Enter the Void director shot Vortex over twenty days ...
Big-screen depictions of mental health often lose nuance in favor of exaggerated tropes, inaccurately representing many experiences living with specific condit...
Welcome, one and all, to the latest episode of The Film Stage Show! Today, Brian Roan, Bill Graham, and Robyn Bahr are joined by Drea Clark to discus...
Pig will be a victim of expectations. While marketed as Nicolas Cage’s equivalent to a darkly comic and surreal John Wick, and though a study of the desire for...
Texas City in Galveston County, Texas, in the summer of 2016. Mikey Saber (Simon Rex)—or Mike Davies, as he’d rather not be called—lopes off a greyhound bus in...
Each week we highlight the noteworthy titles that have recently hit streaming platforms in the United States. Check out this week's selections below and past r...
After a hiatus as theaters in New York City closed their doors during the pandemic, we're delighted to announce the return of NYC Weekend Watch, our weekly rou...