This March brings a wide variety of films and today we’ve got new posters from films on opposite ends of the spectrum. First up, after a witch-revealing poster, we’ve got another for Sam Raimi‘s upcoming fantasy blockbuster Oz the Great and Powerful front. Instead of our witches Glinda (Michelle Williams), Theodora (Mila Kunis), and Evanora (Rachel Weisz), this one dives into the creature-filled world, including the famous flying monkeys.
Remember Project X last year? We’ve also got the debut poster for The Hangover writers Jon Lucas and Scott Moore’s directorial debut 21 & Over, which looks to be going after the same demographic with a similar look — this time with one of our leads complete with a bra and a teddy bear hugging his crotch. The film features star of the aforementioned party film Miles Teller, along with Skylar Austin and Justin Chon, as they have a one (long) night birthday celebration. Check out both posters below from Yahoo/MTV.

21 & Over arrives on March 8th, while Oz the Great and Powerful hits a week later.