Columbia is reviving Doc Savage the pulp fiction adventurer from 1930s and 40s serials. Shane Black is set to write and direct the film adaptation. [Variety]

Anthony Bagarozzi (who’s helping Black with his Mel Gibson project Cold Warrior) and Chuck Mondry will co-write the script with Black. Neal Moritz (Fast and Furious) will produce – he’s also overseeing production on The Green Hornet.

Here’s a little taste of Doc Savage for you: “Trained since birth to be nearly superhuman in every way, Doc Savage uses his skills and powers to fight evil all over the world.” Essentially the character is a man who’s able to do anything better than anyone. Luckily for Black Savage never gets too old for any kind of shit.

After Black’s brilliant directorial debut Kiss Kiss Bang Bang I’ll follow him anywhere. This sounds like a cool place to go.

What do you think of Black and Columbia resurrecting Savage?

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