The folks over at Wired have recieved an interesting little manual that seems to be the latest piece of viral marketing for Christopher Nolan’s epic mind-bender Inception. The manual is filled with a bizarre set of illustrations and large blocked out batches of deleted text. Even the guys at Wired had a tough time deciphering the clues.

The technical manual connects concretely to the real world in the clever cryptonym of its final chapter, “PASIV Device Instructions.” That section’s rough illustration presents a well-dressed agent carrying a suspicious briefcase, as well as an online address where readers can download a copy of the PASIV Device Technical Manual. What a head trip. Source Wired

If you’re at all interested in learning more, head over to the full post on Wired where they analyze each of the images into a somewhat coherent precursor of the world of Inception. It’s a cool little piece of viral marketing that will leave you scratching your head, and wanting to see this must-see film even more.

What do you make of the latest viral marketing for Inception?

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