I’m not talking about quality here, but the sheer line-up of stars. While these documentarians may not have the strapping muscles, they sure are a lot more talented than the cast of Sylvester Stallone‘s latest. They have worked together to create the ultimate documentary.

Based on Steven D. Levitt‘s bestselling book, Freakonomics,  it features sections by Morgan Spurlock (Super Size Me), Alex Gibney (Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room), Rachel Grady and Heidi Ewing (Jesus Camp), Eugene Jarecki (Why We Fight) and Seth Gordon (The King of Kong).

Our own Kristen Coates reviewed it at its Tribeca premiere and it looks to be as good as it sounds. I loved the book and Apple has the first trailer up, which seems to be a great adaptation of the material. Check it out below.


Alex Gibney (Enron:The Smartest Guys in the Room, Casino Jack and the United States of Money) delivers a visually arresting look at the crumbling façade of Sumo wrestling and exposes searing and violent truths about this ancient and revered sport. Morgan Spurlock (Super Size Me) offers up a buoyant and revealing angle on the repercussions of baby names. Rachel Grady and Heidi Ewing (Jesus Camp) balance levity and candor with their eye-opening profile of underachieving kids incentivized to learn with cold hard cash. Finally, Eugene Jarecki, who brought us the unforgettably powerful Why We Fight, investigates an unsettling theory to explain why crime rates dramatically dropped in the early ’90s. Seth Gordon (The King of Kong) weaves the pieces together with brisk interludes, providing context and commentary from the authors. Freakonomics exposes the hidden side of everything, debunking conventional wisdom, and revealing what answers may come if one just asks the right questions.

Freakonomics hits VOD services on Sept. 3rd and is being released in theaters on Oct. 1st.

Are you a fan of the book? What do you think of the trailer?

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