
Empire Magazine has debuted the first two photos from Peter Jackson’s (King Kong) upcoming adaptation of Alice Sebold’s novel The Lovely Bones. The 1st photo gives a glimpse of how Peter Jackson is depicting heaven, which is where we see the main character Susie Salmon played by Saoirse Ronan (Atonement). Check out two new photos after the jump.



The films centers Susie Salmon, a 14 year-old girl who is raped and murdered by her neighbor. From heaven, she watches her family deal trying to cope with her death, and watches her murderer. The Lovely Bones stars Mark Wahlberg (Max Payne), Rachel Weisz (The Brothers Bloom), Susan Sarandon (Speed Racer), and Stanley Tucci (The Devil Wears Prada).

Speaking as a fan of the book, I am pretty excited by this photo. Sure it doesn’t really show much, but it shows that Jackson’s interpretation of heaven isn’t going to be disastrous which it easily could have. The heaven scenes are the key to the book’s narrative, and they need to look good, and not second rate. Its an excellent book, I think some of the story elements may be hard to transition to screen, but considering its Peter Jackson, I’m not worried at all.

The Lovely Bones opens up December 11th, 2009.

What do you think of Jackson’s heaven? Are you excited for The Lovely Bones?

Jack Giroux

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