This may well be the end ofHunger Games casting news as President Snow, the last of the remaining major character roles to be filled, has been cast, and not as who you might expect. Yep, rather than any of our cast picks for the vile old man who smells of blood, THR has revealed Donald Sutherland has signed onto play the malevolent tyrant who fuels the fervor for the Hunger Games each year resulting in the brutal national televised murders of 23 adolescents. Personally, I’m saddened by this call but not because I don’t think Sutherland will play an effective and frightening Snow (he surely will), rather just because I love him most when he’s warm. (Pride & Prejudice anyone?) So while he seethes with rage at Katniss (X-Men: First Class’ Jennifer Lawrence) as she unintentionally fuels the fans of rebellion, just know I’ll be whimpering and missing Mr. Bennet.

In other casting news, via Twitter we found Katniss’ hair and make-up team has been fleshed out. Joining Lenny Kravitz, Latarsha Rose and Brooke Bundy (playing Katniss’ stylist, Peeta’s stylist, and 1/3 of Katniss’ prep team respectfully) are Nelson Ascencio as the flamboyant Flavius and Kimiko Gelman as the vain Venia. TV viewers may remember Ascencio for his Ricky Martin impersonation on MAD TV, and Gelman from any number of guest spots over the years – but to me, she’ll always be Rose Foley of the short-lived pre-Glee musical dramedy series Rags to Riches on which a curmudgeonly old millionaire adopts not one but five orphan girls, who frequently give attitude and perform retro song and dance numbers. God, someone put this out on DVD now.

And finally, EW has unveiled that relative unknown Amber Chaney will play the red-haired Avox girl. For those who haven’t read the books, Avoxes are typically people who rebelled against the Capital, were caught and for their efforts had their tongues sliced out and were made silent slaves. However, this may prove to be more than a featured extra role thanks to the movie magic of flashbacks. But I’ll leave it there to avoid spoilers.

Also starring in The Hunger Games,  which is set to hit theaters March 23, 2013,  is Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth, Elizabeth Banks, Stanley Tucci, Woody Harrelson, Paula Malcolmson and Wes Bentley.

And there you have it, possibly the last in Hunger Games casting news. Of course, next will be the onslaught of glimpses of costumes, sets, and actors in or on them. Ready for round two?

What do you think of the latest Hunger Games casting calls?

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