The Graduates is a quiet film. Written and directed by Hannah Peterson, it tells the story of a high school one year after a deadly shooting. Genevieve (Mina S...
Robert Zemeckis’ Here arrives with an ambitious framing device: an entire story told through one static camera placement. Through this fixed position we witnes...
Autumnal romance blooms in My Favourite Cake, a film about seeking passion in life and being bold enough to act when opportunities arise. The directors are Mar...
With her second feature film, Zambian-Welsh director Rungano Nyoni looks at the pain, memory, and absurdity of familial Zambian tradition. On Becoming a Guinea...
In Charlie McDowell’s last feature, Windfall, the ambitious (though largely unsuccessful) idea was to put the audience in a stressful situation (à la Hitchcock...
The Line is unpleasant. But then it should be, shouldn't it? Written by Ethan Berger and Alex Russek and directed by Berger in his feature debut, this is a fil...
On September 22, 1975, Sara Jane Moore, a 45-year-old single mom, drove into downtown San Francisco, pushed her way to the front of a crowded barricade, reache...
“The world you’re about to see no longer exists. None of us knew what was about to happen.”
Writer-director Julia Loktev––whose 13-year hiatus from fi...
Five years, the closest presidential election in Brazilian history, and one insurrection after her last examination of Brazil’s tumultuous socio-political sphe...
Timothy and Stephen Quay have developed an entirely unique style in the world of stop-motion animation: vigorously kinetic yet meticulously controlled; balleti...