In 1987, James Ivory's Maurice first premiered at the Venice Film Festival, where he picked up the Silver Lion award as Best Director. Thirty years later, t...
After the short The White Helmets won an Oscar this year, a feature-length film will arrive this summer depicting the same tragic conflict in Syria. The 201...
After his zombie thriller Train to Busan had a very successful run last year garnering around $135 million worldwide -- and interest in a Hollywood remake -...
The third installment of the action-packed Outrage saga has just been given its first teaser. Although the footage is very brief, it does provide clues for ...
Despite Breaking Bad ending years ago, Bryan Cranston, has been becoming a prominent performer in the years since, even earning an Oscar nomination. He's no...
In terms of animated offerings this year, one of the most promising is Mary and the Witch's Flower, the latest from director Hiromasa Yonebayashi (The Secre...
For a franchise that is thematically fueled by little else outside of family, eight entries is an impressive milestone, with two more on the horizon within the ...