The Film Stage

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‘District 10’ To Shoot This Fall?

New Zealand's Weta digital effects house, that debuted with Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings trilogy, has already begun pre-production on the sequel to District 9....
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Downey Jr. To Play Wizard of Oz For Sam Mendes?

The Wizard of Oz is not only a legendary movie in its own regard, but a film that has a remarkable penchant for eliciting off-shoot stories from every possible direction, be it prologue to epilogue, this character to that character. ...
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[DVD Picks of the Week] Apr. 20th

I took an unofficial sabbatical last week from TFS and I know you all missed me dearly. Now it's time to catch up on the DVDs that I missed in the past two weeks....
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‘Machete’ Set For Labor Day

Highly anticipated Robert Rodriguez flick Machete will hit theaters September 3rd, in time for the lucrative Labor Day Weekend, Variety is reporting [via GATW]....
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Viola Davis To Star In ‘The Help’

At the 2009 SAG awards, lead actress winner Meryl Streep urged movie executives to give her Doubt co-star Viola Davis a leading film role pronto! ...
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Scarlett Johansson & Sam Rockwell Cast in Kubrick’s Lost Film

Long thought to be lost, a script written by the late Stanley Kubrick, which was found a few years ago, is finally being developed into a film. It will be called Lunatic at Large and according to Production Weekly it will star Scarlett Johansson and Sam Rockwell....
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Top 10 Baseball Films

It is that time of the year again. Time to pull out the baseball gloves, put some Sugar in your lemonade, and dust off the classic baseball DVDs....