Rian Johnson's (The Brothers Bloom) new science fiction project Looper is amassing quite an impressive cast. Joining Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Bruce Willis, Emi...
Michel Gondry's superhero film, The Green Hornet, saw lots of green this weekend taking the top spot at the box office. The film a big departure from his pr...
Set photos have emerged featuring Glenn Close (Fatal Attraction) and Mia Wasikowska (Alice in Wonderland) from the upcoming film by director Rodrigo García ...
Speaking to TheWrap, Tina Fey's publicist has confirmed that the 30 Rock star who has recently voiced one of the leads in Megamind, is currently in talks to s...
British-born actor Ed Westwick, star of hit TV show Gossip Girl, has finally cemented his place on the Hollywood rising star list by bagging a major supportin...
According to THR, John Michael Higgins, star of The Break Up and Yes Man, is to join Matt Damon and Scarlett Johansson in the new Cameron Crowe directed movie, ...
Wait, what? Director Baz Luhrmann, who is adapting arguably the greatest piece of literature of the 20th century, is considering doing the film 3D. F. Scott...
Eminem is back in the movie world it seems, as Vulture reports he is headed to Hollywood to star in 20th Century Fox's crime thriller, Random Acts of Violence.
Usually more of an action hero/object-of-female-affection kind of actor, Antonio Banderas has decided to throw off the shackles of past stereotypes and star...
Apparently nobody went to the movies this weekend, as the top grosser, True Grit brought in only $15 million in its 3rd week. Finally, after 2 weeks on the ...