For his follow-up to 2014’s Inherent Vice, the currently untitled film (under the production name of Phantom Thread) by Paul Thomas Anderson involves him ta...
Mexican director Amat Escalante has cultivated for himself a controversial, often shockingly violent niche, and his newest film The Untamed looks to be no e...
Discussing the ways in which fiction films shift between their linear, wholly narrative impulses and something approaching ethnography is among the most illumin...
Much of what tantalizes about the seemingly straightforward drama Harmonium is what makes it so difficult to describe. It is nominally a domestic drama, centeri...
After last year’s reasonably well-received Dog Eat Dog, director Paul Schrader has already embarked upon his latest project, First Reformed. Apparently more...
When it comes to documentary filmmaking, the issue of perspective is often of paramount importance. A great deal of sensitivity and tact is required in telling ...
There is inherently a great risk that filmmakers face while crafting a drama about “great men.” Whether they are artists or politicians, innovators or explorers...
There’s certainly no accusing Deidra & Laney Rob a Train of being too subtle. It is the kind of film that works in broad strokes, in comically heightened si...
Throughout the entirety of As You Are, it is painfully clear that director and co-writer Miles Joris-Peyrafitte wants the viewer to know that something bad will...