Certain careers are worth following turn for turn, even after a seemingly unbelievable amount of time. Martin Scorsese, for instance, continues to create po...
Jennifer Aniston (who is back with Wanderlust later this month) has just become attached to Miss You Already, an indie dramedy from director Paul Andrew Wil...
The old fashioned, hard-boiled noir thriller is one of the most surprisingly underused genres in modern film. Considering the classics that spawned forth fr...
There's a weird kind of war at the heart of The Vow that the film never manages to resolve. At the core of this story is an existential and moral dilema that co...
It is rare that a film can approach the subject of war on a purely human level. Often, these films feel the need to comment upon and offer solutions to the ...
Jeff Probst has made a pretty solid career of being the host and producer of Survivor over the past eight or nine years. However, before he had to tell people t...
War is hell.
This is a truism that is almost universally accepted and evinced by all pieces of serious-minded cinema and art in general. The other side of th...
It took Joe Johnston a while, but he finally scored a big win. After the box office and critical disappointments of Hidalgo, Jurassic Park III, and The Wolfman,...
After two National Treasure movies and a big-budget adaptation of The Sorcerer's Apprentice one would be forgiven for thinking that director Jon Turteltaub ...
When two great artists get together it is a thing of beauty. So it is with great pleasure that I risk my journalistic integrity that I tell you how excited I am...