Brian Roan

[TIFF Review] Scarlet Innocence

Can a movie have too much scope, too many twists, or too much sex? These seem to be the questions which drove the creation of Scarlet Innocence, and to all of t...

[TIFF Review] The Intruder

One of the surest ways to ensure fealty in someone is to make them feel as though they belong. Any group that seeks to instill loyalty in its members must first...

[TIFF Review] Gemma Bovery

It might be hard to conceive of how a tragic story like Madame Bovary could be turned into a farcical and winning comedy, and yet here we stand. With remarkable...

[TIFF Review] Cut Snake

Relationships are the kind of experience dependent on context. Environment and circumstance dictate the way people deal with one another and respond to one anot...

The Film Stage Show Ep. 111 – Boyhood

Welcome to the latest episode of our official podcast, The Film Stage Show. This week, editor Nick Newman, writer Danny King, and I dive right into Richard ...