In yet another season of big-scale awards contenders and franchise-perpetuating blockbusters, a new Warren Beatty movie -- nay, a new Warren Beatty movie th...
Pinocchio is probably a bit low on your list of classic tales that could use a 21st-century makeover, but a take that's helmed by Matteo Garrone (Tale of Ta...
"No one does it to you like Roman Polanski" – a tagline that would take on some rather unfortunate new contexts only a few years after its unveiling, or the...
If our review of this year's Oscar-nominated live-action shorts is any indication, the Academy got it right when handing their award to Benjamin Cleary‘s St...
Whatever you, personally, make of the picture, it is undeniable that Moonlight is one of the year's most acclaimed films -- if not the best-regarded, period...
Big times, these are, for Pablo Larraín. The highest-profile Chilean filmmaker of this generation will have two -- that's two! -- features open in the Unite...
BAFTA has been doing us a service this awards season (which excludes them from just about everybody) by having some of our best voices conduct screenwriting...
Since any New York City cinephile has a nearly suffocating wealth of theatrical options, we figured it’d be best to compile some of the more worthwhile repe...
The Handmaiden is, in some way, the über Park Chan-wook film -- revenge! double-crosses! violence! eyebrow-raising sex scenes! wild angles and edits! -- making it a perfect occasion to speak with South Korea's best-recognized auteur....
Some big things are happening in Leonardo DiCaprio's realm. First, Deadline tells us his company, Appian Way, has partnered with Paramount for Truevine,...