Update: Or, maybe not. IGN received a statement from Lucasfilm, who say, "There is no truth to the rumor. JJ is having a great time working on the script an...
It wouldn't be long before a great filmmaker took on crowd-funding. Although this still-young process has taken some time -- Paul Schrader's was more of an ...
Out of the Comic-Con presentation is a full-length preview for The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, director Francis Lawrence's follow-up to the hit young adult...
Shaun of the Dead opened with the notes of classic horror layered over studio logos from the 21st century. The initial aural-visual impressions from Hot Fuzz ar...
Update: An official press release for the Dark Knight Returns-inspired film, as well as a logo (via Film.com), can be found below and above, respectively, a...
At today's Comic-Con panel, Universal Studios unveiled new trailers for Kick-Ass 2 and Riddick, a pair of previews that are sure to get more play in a singl...
Since any New York City cinephile has a nearly suffocating wealth of theatrical options, we figured it’d be best to compile some of the more worthwhile repe...
No matter the amount of flack he's been receiving for a lead turn in Pacific Rim, up-and-comer Charlie Hunnam has just secured a possible career-maker: the ...
For as quickly and widely as he works, Michael Winterbottom can hold on to a single idea for some time. Case in point: not long after steam picked up on his...
With the (roughly) 14-year gap between The Last Days of Disco and Damsels in Distress surely on their mind, fans of Whit Stillman may have feared yet anothe...