Upcoming Film Scores reports the French electronica duo Daft Punk are signed to score Walt Disney's upcoming sequel to the groundbreaking 1982 animation cult h...
Overture Films has released the trailer for the creepy sci-fi thriller, Pandorum. The film stars Dennis Quaid, Ben Foster, and Cam Gigandet. Check it out belo...
Today I have an older documentary I did about two years ago. In a series of interviews I attempt to uncover the popularity, history, and future regarding the ...
Variety reports Leonardo DiCaprio (Revolutionary Road, Body of Lies) is set to star in Christopher Nolan's (The Dark Knight) science fiction thriller Inceptio...
Universal Pictures has released the first movie poster for Michael Mann’s Public Enemies on MSN. The film stars Johnny Depp, Christian Bale, and Marion Cotillar...
By Jordan Raup
I'll admit it. I've never heard of Watchmen until Zack Snyder was attached to direct during the summer of 2006. Since I hadn't read the graphi...
Yahoo has premiered the new trailer for Terminator Salvation, which will be attached to Watchmen this Friday. Check it out below or in HD on YouTube:
Vanity Fair has recently posted some new photos of comedy's greatest stars in a throwback to older classics. Check them out below and see if you can spot everyo...
Jeffrey Wells (via Hollywood Elsewhere) reports on Malick's new epic movie starring Brad Pitt and Sean Penn. Here is a snippet from the Empire interview:
Jordan Raup is the founder and editor-in-chief of The Film Stage and a Rotten Tomatoes-approved critic. Track his obsessive film-watching on Letterboxd.