Todd Robinson’s Phantom is, at times, a skillfully executed film saved from direct-to-video boredom, mostly due to top-notch performances. Starring Ed Harris as...
Kyle Henry’s Fourplay is a curious case: an anthology of individual films with production dates from 2010-onwards exploring broadly sex between species, heteros...
Fiercely independent, John Sayles' latest drama Go For Sisters is set to premiere at this year's SXSW and looks to be a return to the gritty realism of his ...
The day has yet come in which Tom Green’s Freddie Got Fingered has been considered a landmark of surrealism, nor I fear will it for the uneven, half-baked gross...
Silly and loveable, Parental Guidance hits me at a critical blind spot. It’s an entertaining piece of craft that harkens back to the silly post-Latchkey kid Chr...
Perhaps the best advice on marriage is that you shouldn’t marry someone whom you can’t spend three days next to on a train. But as The Guilt Trip highlights, yo...
The Collection is a rare horror film that touches a nerve, although perhaps I was in a receptive mood. Indulge me for a moment: the film is a fetishization, eve...
My Own Worst Nightmare is a distinctively French farce with Isabelle Huppert as Agathe, an executive director of an art gallery and a model member of the bourge...
Fun size candy is always a disappointment -- much like the movie of the same name, also misleading in suggesting it's both “fun” and a critique of “Halloween," ...
An intense focus on globalization connects three strands at the core of the Elemental. although the broader theme is we are all connected by virtue of starting ...
John Fink is a New York City area-based critic, filmmaker, educator and curator. He currently serves as the Artistic Director of the Buffalo International Film Festival.