In the Taliban-controlled Afghan city of Kabul, Nora Twomey's debut film as sole director (she co-helmed Oscar nominee The Secret of Kells) depicts an eleven-ye...
Capturing the complexity of abuse is tough to accomplish when mainstream audiences clamor for black and white delineations between predator and prey. Some go th...
Teenage Bea (Charlotte Salisbury) is in desperate need of an escape from her mundane, isolated life. We can assume Toronto's big city living isn't yet something...
If you've ever watched season three of Prison Break and wondered what was going on with Sona's weird open air slum-like community barely watched by guards, know...
When a German drifter walks into the quaint Luxembourg village of Schandelsmillen with a scruffy beard, bag full of money, and stoically gruff attitude, we wond...
What once was a traditional rite of passage for Icelandic children has now become punishment. Whereas her mother probably visited her Aunt Ólöf's (Katla M. Þorg...
What if it was an established fact that free will as a concept was dictated by our body's chemistry? Every decision we think we're making is really made implici...
With the world caught in a time and place allowing it to quickly judge so much on so little, tiny human stories like Black Kite prove to be their most potent. A...
The title is The Current War, but it's subject is truly more history than battle. It's flashier to think about our modern day electrical system as a conflict be...
If the phrase "tell-all" hadn't been coined before 2012, Scotty Bowers' memoir Full Service: My Adventures in Hollywood and the Secret Sex Lives of the Stars wo...