Whether a result of suicide, drunken stupidity, or sheer dumb luck, train drivers the world over kill people. You'd like to believe it's a rarity, but the truth...
This monthly column focuses on the film industry’s willingness to capitalize on this truth, releasing one-sheets to serve as not representations of what audiences are to expect, but as propaganda to fill seats....
On first blush Ali Weinstein's documentary Mermaids focuses its glimpse at the titular sea myth's power towards the whimsical and fun. She takes us from the day...
Guilt is a powerful thing. It can make you act in ways that go against your own survival and yet still ensure those actions are selfishly motivated. You aren't ...
Documentarian Nanfu Wang left China in 2011 to find the freedom that remaining in her home country never could provide. She came to America — specifically New Y...
Miguel (Marcelo Alonso) compares God to a fire when explaining how the ones our religions' sacred books describe aren't quite right. Our creator is simpler than...
It opens in darkness — the beams from headlamp flashlights and sparks of metal on rock our only points of illumination. This is the oppressive environment holdi...
It's the cusp of Eid in Algiers, Bab el Oued circa 2016 and the rams are running wild. Well, not wild per se considering each is bought, sold, and always owned....
It's highly disconcerting yet unsurprising that many Baby Boomers now in their sixties and seventies still see mental illness as a weakness. Talk about the scen...
The thing I could never wrap my head around, religious-wise, is the idea of strict right and wrong. As a Catholic it's somewhat easy as far as sin and repentanc...