Dylan Chester

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[Review] Year One

Year One is a hit-or-miss comedy that almost skids by due to distinct character work and the satirical tone. Director Harold Ramis once delivered a string ...
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[Review] Whatever Works

Woody Allen marks his return to New York with a worthy welcome that recalls back to his earlier films. Whatever Works certainly won't go down as a great Woo...
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[Review] The Proposal

The Proposal is an average romantic comedy filled with extremely annoying, reoccurring cliches. Nothing comes off as surprising nor is the film emotionally ...
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Roland Emmerich’s ‘2012’ Trailer

Sony Pictures has finally released the new trailer for Roland Emmerich's new disaster film 2012. The film follows an academic researcher who is trying to su...
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Timur Bekmambetov Prepping ‘Wanted 2’

According to Rian.ru Director Timur Bekmambetov is currently preparing for pre-production on the sequel to the 2008 box office hit Wanted. Timur Bekmambetov...
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[Review] Moon

Moon is one of the most refined science fiction films of the 21st Century....