Dylan Chester

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[Exclusive] Flash Gordon Will Be 3D

Unsurprisingly, Flash Gordon will officially be in 3D. Earlier today when I hopped on the phone with Breck Eisner (The Crazies, Sahara) I knew I had to ask ...
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[Review] The Wolf Man

If you're one of the many who fell in love with monster classics, you'll be less than happy to know that this revamp of the horror tale is somewhat of an underwhelming experience. There's greatness here, but it never comes together to make for a particularly good film but simply a watchable one. ...
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The Foundation Trilogy Coming In 3D

Another movie announced to be 3D? Yes, that's so unexpected in this post-Avatar world. Not just any movie, but Roland Emmerich's planned adaptation of the F...
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[Jack’s Review] The Last Station

The Last Station is a small bittersweet film that never quite reaches the height of greatness. While the performances are what truly drives this film along with the rather beautiful production design and Michael Hoffman's direction, the script (written by Hoffman), in the end, truly is what holds it back....
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[Review] From Paris with Love

Every so often an action film arrives that's so asinine, so ludicrous and (most importantly) so over-the-top that it's actually worth seeing. From Paris wit...
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[Exclusive] Updates on Neveldine and Taylor’s Future Projects

Yesterday I got to interview Brian Taylor, one of the geniuses behind both of the Crank films and Gamer. While we mostly discussed Gamer in event of the blu-ray release, I did of course get several updates on Crank 3, the recently talked about Cash Money Dollars, and a few of their other projects as well. [...]...