Eva Green is a witch, or negotiating to play one. Angelique in Tim Burton's Dark Shadows adaptation, the 1960s supernatural soap opera that aired on ABC fro...
Mumblecore goes mainstream, or somewhat so, in Cold Weather, writer/director/editor Aaron Katz's second feature film. His first, Quiet City, helped spark wh...
Oscar winner Michael Arndt, writer of both Little Miss Sunshine and last year's Toy Story 3, has been commissioned to adapt Disney's Snow and the Seven, whi...
Placing Sherlock Holmes right where you would least expect him (modern day Portland, Oregon), filmmaker Aaron Katz's Cold Weather finds the mystery in the m...
Sanctum, directed by Alister Grierson, is a 3-D effects slide show that wants desperately to be a feature film. Set in an underwater cave that no human has ev...
In a reported six-figure deal, Oprah Winfrey's OWN Network (does anyone else love how much that name suits Winfrey herself?) purchased Crime After Crime, th...
David Mackenzie's made a career out of telling small, intense stories on small, economical budgets. With Perfect Sense he goes somewhere only a few filmmake...
Certainly one of the darkest films at Sundance 2011, thespian Paddy Considine's directorial debut Tyrannosaur tells a simple story: girl finds boy, boy want...
Steve James’ dense, meticulously-focused documentary, The Interrupters, about urban violence in Chicago and those who’ve chosen to prevent it is an epic chron...
Certainly not a Sundance starlet like Elizabeth Olsen or a storied Sundance vet like Miranda July, British filmmaker John Akomfrah has been making criticall...
Dan Mecca is the co-founder and managing editor of The Film Stage. He is a producer and filmmaker living in Pittsburgh. He watches a lot of movies and tracks them on Letterboxd.