A new trailer for Samuel Bayer’s remake of A Nightmare on Elm Street has been released. The film stars Jackie Earle Haley as Mr. Kruger and is produced by Michael Bay. I recently watched the original Elm Street and this looks like a great update. I normally don’t check out the countless reboots/remakes/sequels of horror films in theaters, but with this one I may have to. Knowing Michael Bay got his fingers in this one is a bit disappointing but hopefully Jackie Earle Haley can make up for it. Check it out the full-length trailer below via MySpace or see it before The Crazies this weekend.

Plot: Fred­dy Krueger re­turns in A Night­mare on Elm Street, a con­tem­po­rary re-imag­in­ing of the hor­ror clas­sic. A group of sub­ur­ban teenagers share one com­mon bond: they are all be­ing stalked by Fred­dy Krueger, a hor­ri­bly dis­fig­ured killer who hunts them in their dreams. As long as they stay awake, they can pro­tect one an­oth­er…but when they sleep, there is no es­cape

Don­ning Fred­dy’s trade­mark fe­do­ra, red-?and-?green striped sweater, and four-?blad­ed glove is Acade­my Award® nom­i­nee Jack­ie Ear­le Ha­ley (“Lit­tle Chil­dren,” “Watch­men”). The film is be­ing di­rect­ed by award-?win­ning mu­sic video and com­mer­cial di­rec­tor Samuel Bay­er (Nir­vana’s “Smells Like Teen Spir­it,” Green Day’s “Boule­vard of Bro­ken Dreams”), mark­ing his fea­ture film de­but.

The teens whose dreams are ter­ror­ized by Fred­dy Krueger are played by an en­sem­ble of young ac­tors, in­clud­ing Kyle Gall­ner (“The Haunt­ing in Con­necti­cut”), Katie Cas­sidy (“Tak­en,” TV’s “Su­per­nat­u­ral”), Rooney Mara (“Ur­ban Leg­end: Bloody Mary”), Thomas Dekker (“Ter­mi­na­tor: The Sarah Con­nor Chron­i­cles”), and Kel­lan Lutz (“Twi­light,” up­com­ing “The Twi­light Saga: New Moon”). The sup­port­ing cast al­so in­cludes vet­er­an char­ac­ter ac­tor Clan­cy Brown (“The Shaw­shank Re­demp­tion,” “High­lander”) and Con­nie Brit­ton (“Fri­day Night Lights”).

A Nightmare On Elm Street hits theaters April 30, 2010.

What do you think of the new trailer?

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