The best-curated film festival of the year has unveiled its first complete section. The 62nd New York Film Festival has dropped its Main Slate lineup, featurin...
While Sundance Film Festival is perhaps most associated with the coming-of-age film, one of a different variety arrived at the festival this year. Girls Will B...
“I was lucky and so excited to discover Adieu Philippine earlier this year in France, because it is very little known and not available in the U.S. It’s my ne...
After two of the finest films of their respective years, The Strange Little Cat and The Girl and the Spider, Ramon and Silvan Zürcher are back this year to cl...
After a relatively quiet last few years, Saoirse Ronan is returning in a major way this fall, leading two new features: first up, Nora Fingscheidt's Sundance h...
Update: David Lynch has shared an update below.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Yes, I have emphysema from my many years of smoking. I have to say that I enjoyed ...
For a film about saving the universe from cosmic evil, stakes couldn’t be lower in The Paragon. What begins as a man’s quest for revenge takes a hard left into...
As the world flattens with new technologies to reveal how tragedies we used to only hear about now and then are actually everyday occurrences, we become inured...
David Lynch might never make another film (he could have; Netflix said no) or transcendental television project (he could have; Netflix said no) but the lead-u...
Videogame IP, a remake, and a children's film: August's blockbuster titles don't really need marketing help. So, Borderlands (August 9), The Crow (Augu...