Woe betide Sofia Coppola skeptics, but a 58-second liquor ad suggests nice paycheck before manicured artistic intent. Still it’s nice seeing the director reunite with the star of her best film (Somewhere‘s very own Elle Fanning) for a quick, floral ad supporting Roku Gin, product of Suntory––a brand with which Coppola’s well and truly familiar.

Regular collaborators Philippe Le Sourd and Stacey Battat were on camera and costume duties, respectively, for the ad that, per a conversation Fanning had with Interview, was pitched with “lots of Virgin Suicides references in the mood board.” (Perhaps evident in the crossfades? I very badly need to get a job.) It’s fun in precisely the absurd way auteurs shooting products can be fun, and above all has me hoping Coppola’s next feature (whenever that may be) returns her to a modern context.

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