
Whatever you, personally, make of the picture, it is undeniable that Moonlight is one of the year’s most acclaimed films — if not the best-regarded, period. It’s one of 2016’s major success stories, too, having roped in more than $100,000 per venue this past weekend and thus marking it the biggest opening-per-theater average of the year. Whether you’ve seen it and would like to know more or wish to satiate your thirst before it eventually comes your way — and, given those box-office numbers, it’s probably not so far — we’ve collected more than three hours of discussions with its creators. That’s longer than the movie!

While writer-director Barry Jenkins is the central focus, perhaps rightfully, its outstanding ensemble gets a highlight several times over. That Moonlight is very much driven by a singular vision doesn’t discount the fact that it ultimately lives or dies by the strength of its onscreen talent, a point only further emphasized by the overlap of perspectives and experiences one can find within these discussions.

Watch and listen below:

Moonlight is now in theaters and expands to Atlanta, Chicago, Miami, San Francisco and Washington D.C. this weekend before going wide on November 4.

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