Max Winkler, known for his work on one of my favorite web series Clark and Michael, premiered his debut feature at TIFF this year. The comedy/drama Ceremony stars Michael Angarano (Snow Angels, Gentleman Broncos), Uma Thurman (Kill Bill, Pulp Fiction), and Reece Thompson (Rocket Science, Assassination of a High School President).
Sam David (Angarano) is planning a weekend trip with his best friend, who hasn’t talked with for over a year, Marshall (Thompson). When they get to their vacation location, the truth comes out that Sam actually planned the whole trip to get closer to an ex-girlfriend who is getting married that weekend, Zoe (Thurman).
Right off the bat, Winkler sets a very hyper-realistic tone. The dialogue is a little too perfect and Sam is a character that acts way older than he is. Once one gets used to the style, the film really gets in a groove and doesn’t ever let up.
I didn’t fall in love with the film, but I clicked with a lot of the comedy and some dramatic moments. Thurman put out a good performance, something that is rare as of recent. Her brother, played by Jake M. Johnson (who impersonates director Nicholas Jasenovec in Paper Heart), steals every scene he is in with his unexpected actions.
This and Submarine (which I adored), make for a great double feature with their equally upbeat, quirky nature. I hope they each find distribution soon. Alex from FirstShowing.Net and I recorded some of our thoughts in a video reaction below.