Miramax has debuted the Adventureland Red Band Trailer on IGN. The comedy is written and directed by Greg Mottola (Superbad) and stars Jessie Eisenberg, Krist...
Variety reports Michel Gondry, director of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and Be Kind Rewind is in talks to direct The Green Hornet. Seth Rogen is star...
Today we have the trailer for Cary Fukunaga's Sin Nombre, which won both the cinematography and directing awards at Sundance this year. Check it out below via...
The writer-director-husband-wife duo behind Half Nelson, Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck, finally have a new trailer for their film Sugar. The film follows Dominic...
Collider has provided the trailer for the stopmotion claymation Mary and Max, which opened at Sundance Film Festival this year:
The feature film follows a ta...
/Film reports that Drew McWeeny over at Hitfix says the buzz at Sundance is that Seth Rogen's superhero movie The Green Hornet is basically on life support ov...
A big Hoo-Rah goes out to Richard Jenkins for his Best Actor Oscar nomination for his excellent work in The Visitor. And while, for a small film like The Visito...
Today we have a trailer from Sean McGinly's The Great Buck Howard starring John Malkovich and Colin Hanks. Check it out here:
The film is about a law school ...
ReelMovieNews reports at the Sundance Film Festival, Spike Lee told MTV the original cast will return for the movie, including Clive Own, Denzel Washington, C...
Today Sony Pictures has picked up blaxploitation film Black Dynamite for $2 million. It is the story of 1970s African-American action legend Black Dynamite. T...