During the Q&A session after The Woman screened at Sundance earlier this year, an audience member, disgusted by the film's graphic content and disturbin...
This makes a certain amount of sense. John C. McGinley, the character actor who's made a career alternating between wimpy scum in Oliver Stone movies (Platoon, ...
Harvey Weinstein may top the list of most infamous marketer and producer in Hollywood, known for piloting dramas such as Shakespeare in Love and The King's ...
We just got our first trailer a week ago, but Paramount Pictures have released a second theatrical trailer for Like Crazy, to play before The Help hitting t...
The Oscar-nominated Up In The Air and The Departed star Vera Farmiga is debuting her Sundance drama Higher Ground (which was one of my favorites at the fest...
Tanner Hall is one of those movies that's been sitting on a shelf somewhere, waiting for its lead actors to get famous. When it screened at the Toronto In...
A few weeks ago, I was able to sit down with Bellflower do-it-all Evan Glodell, surrounded by tons of Beastie Boys paraphernalia at Oscilloscope's New York ...
Premiering at Sundance Film Festival this year was Matthew Bat's look at peculiar story of the underground obsession of recording. The tale follows two men ...
The Toronto International Film Festival unveiled more of their 2011 line-up this morning, and now we have some new looks at a few highly anticipated upcomin...
Some may call it the January of the summer movie season, but August has its handful of highlights. It is the last chance to have some fun before the serious a...