After conquering the TV spectrum with The Office, Steve Carell has shifted his focus to the theatrical landscape along with this company Carousel Production...
Despite what seems to be a mountain of teasers and trailers, Disney/Pixar have remained coy on the meat of their fantasy tale Brave. Today we finally get a ...
Mike Markowitz made it big on the writing front last year with the ridiculously funny Horrible Bosses and after a long career of writing various TV shows, Mar...
With the relatively weak marketing for Pixar's next film here in the states, we've got a reason to be excited thanks to a new trailer from overseas. Coming ...
I loved The Land Before Time when I was a kid. It was a cute story with memorable characters in a world full of dinosaurs that utterly fascinated me. I remember...
I haven't been too hot on the next from Pixar (or the last, for that matter), but things are starting to look up. Following the release of a scene last week...
Beating out Pixar last night at the Academy Awards was William Joyce and Brandon Oldenburg for The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore. Taking hom...
Marketing it as a trailer, Disney/Pixar have unveiled a new peek at their next animation, Brave. With a closer look this one is actually a 2-and-a-half minu...
Nicholas Hoult may be going through some self-esteem issues. After his major blockbuster, Bryan Singer's Jack the Giant Killer, got pushed to March 2013, hi...
Even with ParaNorman from the Coraline team, Pixar's Brave and Aardman's Pirates! A Band of Misfits, another big-budget animation has me more curious. From ...