Following, in intimate detail, the making of an art star in her early days, Lea Glob’s Apolonia, Apolonia is a powerful meditation on art and evolution. At one...
Starting with a modest proposal framing Black power as the erasure of systemic white supremacy, Sam Pollard and Llewellyn M. Smith's South to Black Power, writ...
In Inshallah a Boy, a new film from Jordan, a young mother faces some grueling events. It's set around the bustling capitol, Amman, a place where temperatures ...
We are less than a year removed from Robert Redford’s provocative declaration, at the 2023 Sundance Film Festival’s opening presser, that “there are too many f...
A film enamored with stories and with the art of telling them, Éléonore Saintagnan’s Camping du Lac opens with the director addressing the audience the way a r...
Throughout the five years in which Lyndon B. Johnson was the President of the United States, his First Lady––Claudia Alta "Lady Bird" Johnson––took note of eve...
The best moments of Merchant Ivory––a documentary directed by Stephen Soucy concerning the legendary production company––feel like their most-successful pictur...
By far one of the most delightful films of the year––even when it breaks your heart––Pablo Berger’s Robot Dreams is a deceptively simple take on companionship ...
Presenting a total of 269 films, including 80 world premieres, the 28th edition of the Busan International Film Festival concluded earlier this month, closing ...
Everything in Mak Yuen-Ting's life is about to change. She will soon join her fiancé's well-to-do family. She wants her newly and unhappily retired mother, Cha...