A crowd-pleasing film inspired by director Tracie Laymon’s experience talking with a stranger online at a low point in her life, Bob Trevino Likes It is a movi...
How do you even start to write about Chime, a film that keeps secrets guarded and lives off the shocks of its knife-edge turns? It’s safe to say the director i...
Shô Miyake's All the Long Nights is a film about small things: decency, kindness, why people help each other out, how those acts can inspire others. The first ...
While many companies were affected by shortages brought on by COVID-19’s disruption, some may not be top of mind when it comes to everyday commerce. Enter film...
You need to tread a fine line when paying homage to 1980s action movies. Wink too much at the audience and it’ll either feel like you’re striving for cult stat...
While bound to spark hundreds of think pieces, Alex Garland’s stirring Civil War will undoubtedly go down, too, as one of the most provocative films of the yea...
An action rom-com with all the elements for something iconic, David Leitch’s The Fall Guy features truly remarkable stunt work and charismatic performances by ...
A masterfully crafted work with nearly no false notes, Kelly O’Sullivan and Alex Thompson's Ghostlight is a tender drama bearing profound moments of humor and ...
With a premise that is as simple or as complex as you’d like it to be, Monkey Man anoints Dev Patel as a new action director and star. Filmed on location in Mu...