Souleymane's Story delivers a political fable with all the grit and urgency of a thriller. It follows a Guinean food-delivery driver (Abou Sangare, brilliant i...
The “old world” is a wasteland. People still live there, but not for very long. Those in the “new world” live hundreds of years thanks to a drug that slows agi...
The twisty political thriller Conclave wastes little time getting right into it: the Pope is dead, and after a three-week time jump, the world’s most powerful ...
You always hear about whistleblowers––those who smuggle documentation for the benefit of the public out of corporations trying to make or save a buck at the ex...
Missionary work has always fascinated me. Not when it’s performed abroad as a means of indoctrinating people who might otherwise be unaware. I mean here, in Am...
Asif Kapadia––the biographical documentary wiz behind contemporary classics like Senna and Amy––opens his semi-fictional film 2073 in a flurry of doc footage. ...
Christopher Andrews’ Bring Them Down is an endurance test with no payoff. Opening with a jarring car crash on a windy road in rural Ireland, the film soon adds...
The true pits of '90s nostalgia are maybe here, as we’re in the year 2024 arriving at an attempt to hype an English Patient reunion. Yes, that’ll be music to t...
“Something big is about to change,” is surely one ominous beginning for a debut fiction feature, but director Neo Sora knows how to calibrate the fine balance ...
I haven’t read Pedro Páramo by Juan Rulfo, but a glance via Google informs me it was a very important novel: a magical-realist text that influenced Latin Ameri...