With his astounding debut Kaili Blues (2015) and the equally impressive 3D odyssey Long Day’s Journey Into Night (2018), Chinese director Bi Gan emerged as one...
Marking perhaps the greatest coup any festival's managed these last ten years, the Film Fest Gent––recently in our sights for their addition of Ryusuke Hamaguc...
Though we continue waiting for Bi Gan's Long Day's Journey Into Night follow-up—about which we know production begins this year, and about which that's bas...
With his astounding debut Kaili Blues (2015) and the equally impressive 3D odyssey Long Day's Journey Into Night (2018), Chinese director Bi Gan emerged as one...
As everyone offers up their streaming picks (including yours truly), it may be hard to truly define what's worth seeing. Well, leave it to Cate Blanchett to re...