
Back in January it was rumored that 20th Century Fox was prepping for a re-boot of the Predator series with director Robert Rodriguez (Planet Terror) and his Troublemaker studios as a producer. Rodriguez today confirmed that rumor at a news conference for Troublemaker Studios for the long-awaited reform of the Texas film incentive program. IESB is reporting that he gave a full list of projects that he would like to shoot, Rodriguez said:

I’m going to be able to shoot my upcoming Machete here, a sci-fi action film called Nerveracker, a re-boot of the Predator series called Predators, and a couple of smaller movies called Sin City 2 and The Jetsons.”

Its a little weird that there’s going to be a pack of predators this time around, considering the fact that it took about two hours for a whole pack of mercenaries to just kill one predator, so I can’t imagine how short a film with a bunch of predators will end up being. The only Rodriguez film I have actually really liked is Sin City, besides that his action films are mostly dumb-fun, while his kids films are mostly just hard to sit through. A Predator re-boot isn’t necessary, but neither were the AVP movies, and even with Rodriguez’s name on it, I still don’t care for it.

What do you think about a Predator reboot?

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