Past Lives is a human story. The debut from playwright-turned-director Celine Song, the drama encompasses 24 years of a relationship between Nora (Greta Lee) a...
Following a number of disappointing blockbusters in May, there are a few promising ones this month (as glimpsed in our honorable mentions below), but it feels ...
Welcome to The B-Side, from The Film Stage. Here we talk about movie stars! Not the movies that made them famous or kept them famous, but the ones that they ma...
Each week we highlight the noteworthy titles that have recently hit streaming platforms in the United States. Check out this week’s selections below and past r...
All of New York's asking one question: will success spoil Matthew Danger Lippman? Blame for his crash and burn can be placed on The Film Stage. Four months aft...
NYC Weekend Watch is our weekly round-up of repertory offerings.
Museum of the Moving ImageAn Asteroid City-themed series programmed by Wes Anderson and Jak...
It's sequels galore this summer, from alien robots to comic book heroes new and old. Five June Fridays are thus necessary––nothing else would be able t...
So it’s come to this: Spider-Man 10, technically. The future prophesied by many Hollywood alarmists, but now with more madness in the multi-verse (I cringe eve...
Even having interviewed Abel Ferrara a decade ago on the occasion of Ms. 45's re-release, an opportunity to speak with the legend still felt exciting, and bord...
"The Wizard of Oz is a film with very great power... And it’s to be expected that it has stayed with us for the past several years and that we find its echoes ...