The Studio Ghibli canon often finds its magic in the space between our world and theirs — that which can be identified by our eye and reconfigured with the artist’s imagination. It was probably only a matter of time, then, before we got “Studio Ghibli in Real Life.” While the title is a bit misleading (it’s exclusively Miyazaki-oriented), you can detect what’s coming from the title alone: a mixing and matching of Ghibli’s legendary figures with our real world, sometimes for the sake of recreation and, at other points, an experiment in creature-place association.
Although the combination of anime and real-world photography sometimes has the effect of resembling Pokémon Go more than anything else — grain of salt: I say that as someone who’s only experienced Pokémon Go through photos and watching friends play it; the association nevertheless came up — I truly like the effort.
See the video below (via Film School Rejects):