It was just yesterday I remarked how Arnaud Desplechin’s recent work has been severely overlooked here in America, naming his riveting Philip Roth adaption Deception as the top pick to see this month. The French director is now back with another film at Cannes Film Festival, Frère et soeur aka Brother and Sister, and now the first trailer has arrived ahead of its premiere and subsequent release in France on May 20.
Led by Marion Cotillard & Melvil Poupaud, the film follows the siblings as they near the age of 50. Cotillard plays Alice, an actress, while Poupaud is Louis, a teacher and a poet. After being estranged for many years, the death of their parents brings them closer together. While the first trailer lacks English subtitles, it gives a strong sense of the drama at hand, in the story which Desplechin says explores coming to the end of a long-standing hatred.
Update: See a version with English subtitles below.

Brother and Sister will premiere at the 2022 Cannes Film Festival.