hurt locker

Jeremy Renner recently did an interview with Modesto Bee for The Hurt Locker, where he stated that he’s “fighting to do the new Mad Max with George Miller. That might be next summer. I’m screen-testing and meeting George Miller.” This doesn’t confirm that another Mad Max film will be going into production any time soon, but it shows that Miller is looking for his leading man. Miller already revealed that Mel Gibson turned down the opportunity to reprise his role as Max, so a casting rumor like this isn’t surprising.

I think Renner would be a perfect choice for another Mad Max film. He’s proven himself with The Hurt Locker, The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, and even 28 Weeks Later. He can obviously handle the action, but more importantly he’s capable of not making an action hero completely wooden and one note. Hopefully Renner gets the part and another film actually happens.

What do you think of Jeremy Renner starring in the next Mad Max film?


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