Filmmakers are not their films, but Mia Hansen-Løve continues drawing the assumption. Her eighth feature, One Fine Morning, extends a series of semi-autobiogra...
With The Eternal Daughter, Joanna Hogg continues her method of cultivating an environment that allows dialogue to be discovered on set. A ghost story in a clas...
Walter Murch discovered something. It's strange.
At 79, the man who innovated sound design—for whom the credit "Sound Designer" was basically invented—has p...
Taking a sight familiar to most during the pandemic––the view outside your window––and making it even more narrow, The Balcony Movie explores a universe of tho...
Richard Davis is a complicated figure. As an out-of-work pizzeria owner who then invented the modern-day bulletproof vest, his larger-than-life personality led...
A major American filmmaker's take on one of the most "unadaptable" novels this side of the second World War has, no surprise, inspired debate. But wherever one...
If the memes and debates—not always so separate on a venn diagram—filling your timeline prove any metric, TÁR is the movie of this moment. It would be one thin...
At the age of 84, Polish director Jerzy Skolimowski has crafted one of the most vigorously energetic and vibrant films of the year. Inspired by Bresson's semin...
There’s a rhythm to The Inspection, written and directed by Elegance Bratton, that holds the viewer’s attention from minute one. A bristling opening quickly ca...
Although Causeway opens in an unassuming manner, from the get-go it tells us there’s much more than meets the eye. Initially, we see the back of Lynsey’s (Jenn...