Initially premiering at the Berlin International Film Festival earlier this year, An Elephant Sitting Still is the directorial debut drama from the late Chi...
With the release of First Reformed earlier this year, we were reminded of Ethan Hawke’s dedication to visceral storytelling, and the inherent artistry invol...
Following its premiere at the Tribeca Film Festival, Drake Doremus’ new romantic sci-fi titled Zoe now has its first trailer. In prior films, Doremus has di...
Hot off the heels of Baby Driver, Edgar Wright is already full speed towards his newest project. The Cornetto Trilogy director will next helm a documentary ...
After the last decade-plus German director Robert Schwentke has been a Hollywood mainstay with varying levels of success, including Flightplan, RED, R.I.P.D...
No, Daniel Day-Lewis is not backing out of his retirement from acting, but if it was up to James Ivory, he would be. In a recent conversation with Film Comm...
“I didn’t know her. I didn’t know my daughter.” Filled with dismay and desperation, this is the daunting realization that washes over John Cho’s David Kim i...
Attention Dexter fans: After five years, Michael C. Hall is returning to the police force. The actor is set to lead In the Shadow of the Moon, an upcoming N...
One of our favorite documentaries of last year's TIFF, Greenwich Entertainment has released a new trailer for Scotty and the Secret History of Hollywood, th...