Jordan Raup

Telluride Buzz: Danny Boyle's '127 Hours'

The world premiere of 127 Hours, the latest film by Danny Boyle (Slumdog Millionaire, Sunshine, 28 Days Later, Trainspotting) just ended at Telluride Film Fes...

[Review] Going The Distance

Coming off American Teen in 2008, documentarian Nanette Burstein delivers her first narrative feature with Going The Distance. Fusing her previous improv styl...

'Newt' Concept Art: The Pixar Film We Will Never See

It was a sad day earlier this year, when the in-development Pixar project Newt, got canned. It was set to be directed by by Gary Rydstrom, who previously directed the animated short Lifted, which premiered in front of Ratatouille....
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Rachel Weisz To Grab ‘Gravity?’

After testing it out in The Fountain, Rachel Weisz may have a chance to venture up to space again. Latino Review is reporting that she is being considered t...

Olivia Thirlby Joins 'Judge Dredd'

Olivia Thirlby (Juno, The Wackness) is currently shooting the sci-fi flick The Darkest Hour in Russia, but she is attached to another upcoming blockbuster in th...

'Hobo With a Shotgun' Red Band Trailer

Timed with the release of Machete, another Grindhouse trailer-turned-feature film is on its way. You may not remember the fake Hobo With a Shotgun trailer, as...

James McAvoy or Tom Cruise To Climb 'The Mountains of Madness?'

We were all pretty happy when Guillermo del Toro came to his wits and let Peter Jackson direct The Hobbit films. Then we were even happier when he announced he will direct his passion project, and adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft's At The Mountains of Madness....

10 Films To See In September

Summer is over and the early awards season has begun. While the ten films below are not to be missed, September also means high-profile premieres at Venice, Telluride, and Toronto International Film Festivals. Check out our recommendations....

Jordan Raup


Jordan Raup is the founder and editor-in-chief of The Film Stage and a Rotten Tomatoes-approved critic. Track his obsessive film-watching on Letterboxd.