The Heart Specialist is a likeable and sincere comedy centered around the friendship of two doctors. Arriving from Boston with a nearly-minted heartbreak an...
The Dilemma, ironically enough, is faced with quite a dilemma of its own. Much like a previous Vince Vaughn film, The Break-Up, the film attempts a mixtur...
Country Strong is an unintentionally ironic drama coded in the tenants of country music: the film is as much a Nashville production as it is a soap opera. Adv...
It’s tempting to copy and paste a review from a film critic I admire, after all in this modern day adaptation of Jonathan Swift’s Guilliver’s Travels, it’s ...
A laugh track would have been useful for much of Little Fockers, the latest in the Meet the Parents Saga. At the helm for this outing is Paul Weitz who ha...
Yogi Bear is a live-action/animated hybrid that follows very closely in the tradition of the well-established sub-genre of Warner Brothers cartoons. Not wit...
Several years ago, perhaps while out of my formative years, I saw the music video for Seether’s “Fine Again,” which contains a particularly striking image: ...
How can one make a boring film about aliens from outer space that beam down to earth to eat brains? Skyline is about as boring and bland as its title: here we ...
The themes of “coming of age” and “staying true to one’s self” on screen are as American as white bread. Score: A Hockey Musical (as you can tell from it’s ...
It is no wonder that Nashville entrepreneur Julius Lewis wrote more than just the checks for N-Secure. You know your seeing a film written by a guy who sim...
John Fink is a New York City area-based critic, filmmaker, educator and curator. He currently serves as the Artistic Director of the Buffalo International Film Festival.