Dylan Chester

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[Review] The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3

This is a generic thriller that's elevated to being a mildly entertaining piece of B-movie shlock due to the good performances and some notable character exchanges. ...
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‘Shutter Island’ Trailer

Paramount Pictures has just released the first for Martin Scorsese upcoming film Shutter Island. Its an adaptation of Dennis Lehane's novel of the same name...
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[Review] The Hangover

While it does have it's flaws, The Hangover is a blast. It is filled with highly quotable moments and it contains pitch-perfect comedic timing. The leads are extremely fun to watch and their characters share actual chemistry which most buddy films lack....
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[Review] Land of The Lost

Even with all of it's short comings Land of The Lost passes by itself as with charismatic characters and Silberling's unique eye for visuals....