Here's the trailer for Welcome to the Rileys, written by Ken Hixon (City by the Sea) and directed by Jake "Ridley's son" Scott, starring Kristen Stewart, Ja...
A while back it was announced that Chris Pine would be the new Jack Ryan, the Tom Clancy hero played first by Alec Baldwin (in The Hunt for Red October, the...
Never say Brit director Joe Wright isn't ambitious. Between Pride and Prejudice, Atonement and even the stunning artistic failure that is The Soloist, Wrigh...
Here's a softer, if no less entertaining, taste of Machete, the Robert Rodriguez feature adaptation of the Grindhouse faux-trailer.
Check it out below (v...
Here comes the second teaser for the much-anticipated David Fincher/Aaron Sorkin collaboration, The Social Network, starring Jesse Eisenberg as Mark Zuckerb...
Wall Street's hot again. At least for now. We all know how quickly that tide can turn. After all, money *gaffaw* never sleeps. Between the upcoming Margin C...
Alright, so we don't usually do this. Reporting on what commercials film directors are making in between projects is as beneficial as reporting on offers go...
Say what you will about the necessity of remaking the brilliant thriller-drama Let The Right One In, it's got the parts to make a great film. Matt Reeves (C...
Continued signs of life for the next Terrence Malick project - this is a good thing. The Tree of Life, written and directed by Malick and starring Brad Pitt...
There's never a moment in Noah Baumbach's new film in which we openly root for Roger Greenberg (Ben Stiller), the film's narcissistic antihero. But then the...
Dan Mecca is the co-founder and managing editor of The Film Stage. He is a producer and filmmaker living in Pittsburgh. He watches a lot of movies and tracks them on Letterboxd.