There's a scene about halfway into David Mackenzie's Perfect Sense in which people become scavengers, rushing about eating everything in plain sight, from h...
Circumstance walks the line of a revolution for two hours, never once tripping over its feet. Directed by Maryam Keshavarz, this star-crossed romance featur...
There's a lot of drinking, snorting, sucking and crying throughout Mark Pellington's I Melt With You, a two-hour rock-n-roll meditation on the middle-aged w...
No less than this generation’s Scarface, Lee Tamahori’s The Devil’s Double is an indie-funded epic about the son of Saddam Hussein and his unwilling look-alik...
Bill Haney's determined to get people involved in the push to stop coal-top mining, one way or another. How he got to projecting his environmental activism ...
In West Virginia, the victor in the fight against mountain-top mining will decide the fate of much more than mountain tops. It will determine the safety of well...
Poorly lit, written, directed, acted, sound-mixed, edited and anything else you can think of, Matthew Chapman's The Ledge, starring Liv Tyler, Charlie Hunna...
It's nearly impossible to imagine anyone but Paul Rudd filling the shoes of Ned, the unbelievably amiable hero at the core of Jesse Peretz's My Idiot Brother....
Toeing the line between pretension and pleasure for all of its 91 minutes, Miranda July’s The Future ultimately emerges as a testament to original voice yel...
Young, star-crossed love. Every Sundance there's never a shortage of coverage on the subject. This year there's Submarine and Like Crazy, directed by Richard ...
Dan Mecca is the co-founder and managing editor of The Film Stage. He is a producer and filmmaker living in Pittsburgh. He watches a lot of movies and tracks them on Letterboxd.